The first book in this series, ³What did you do THAT for?², will help you understand the difference between our human Behaviors and our human Needs.

There are more behaviors then there are stars in the sky, but every behavior is simply each person¹s best attempt to meet what we have all in common: our basic human Needs. Our behaviors are what separate us, but our Five (5) basic Needs are what we have in common.

Instead of thinking that life is "All about me," what would happen if we accepted this: "First YOU... then me." What would happen if we stopped reacting to the unwelcome or inappropriate behaviors of others, and looked past the behavior to recognize the Need others were trying to meet with those behavors?

You would soon learn that by first working to meet the Needs of others, that others will begin going out of their way to meet YOUR Needs... and they won't even realize why they're doing it.... Guaranteed!
Written specifically with students, teachers and parents in mind, you will find this book in your favorite bookstores, or you may order direct from the publisher:

Headline Books, Inc.
P.O. Box 52
Terra Alta, WV 26764

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